2 x SQL Database Administrator

Full Time
Posted 5 years ago

Job Description


  • Create database systems of high availability and quality depending on each end user’s specialised role
  • Ensure data distribution to the right user, in appropriate format and in a timely manner
  • Utilize high-speed transaction recovery techniques and backup data
  • Ensure minimal database downtime, manage parameters and recommend index changes to provide fast query responses
  • Monitor database performance, implement changes and apply new patches and versions when required
  • Document database policies, procedures and standards, and ensure they are followed by the team
  • Organize tests and evaluations regularly to ensure data security, privacy and integrity
  • Provide proactive and reactive data management support and training to users
  • Provide occasional support during rotational on-call system


  • 3+ years’ experience of working on a SQL Database Administrator position
  • Solid experience with database standards and end user applications
  • Solid experience with data backup, recovery, security, integrity and SQL
  • Experience with DBA case tools (frontend or backend) and third-party tools
  • Good knowledge of database design, documentation and coding
  • Knowledge of programming languages API
  • Knowledge & experience with automation using Windows Powershell

Please send your CV to info@succexa.mu

Offered Salarya:2:{s:5:"label";s:14:"Offered Salary";s:5:"value";s:0:"";}

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